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Fire Disaster in Bolu! Casualties and Material Damage

Fire disaster in Bolu. People standing around a burning building.

A fire disaster in Bolu has caused many houses and barns to become unusable. The causes and consequences of the fires are being investigated.

In the village of Yakabayat, a fire broke out in Mustafa Metyar's barn and quickly spread to the hayloft. The fire was brought under control thanks to the rapid response of the fire department.

A similar fire occurred in Osmancık, Corum, where a fire broke out in a two-story house owned by Hüseyin T. The fire, caused by an electrical fault, quickly spread to the terrace and barn. Firefighters managed to control the fire swiftly.

Fire in Corum. A building with smoke coming out of it.

In Dörtdivan, a fire in Kerim Yastımoğlu's house resulted in one casualty. The family was caught off guard while sleeping, leading to a tragic outcome. The cause of the fire is under investigation.

A destroyed building with debris and smoke.

Fires lead to both casualties and significant material damage. It is crucial to take preventive measures and raise public awareness to avoid such disasters in the future.

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