Güncel Haber Gündemi @guncel_haber_gundemi

Horrific Incident in Adana: Shooting During Divorce Proceedings

Shooting incident during a divorce case in Adana.

A horrific incident during a divorce case in Adana shocked the community.

Ihsan Tolan went to his estranged wife's father's house, where a dispute escalated. After learning that the children were not home, a heated argument broke out, leading to Ihsan opening fire with a gun. His brother-in-law was killed, and others were injured.

Emergency services were dispatched to the scene, and the injured were taken to the hospital for treatment. Ihsan Tolan and his relative S.T. were taken into custody.

This incident highlights the dangers associated with divorce proceedings. There is a pressing need for increased awareness regarding domestic violence and divorce cases.

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