Natural Haber Gündemi @natural_haber_gundemi

Storm Warnings and Weather: Eastern Black Sea and Aegean

Storm warning in the Eastern Black Sea. Waves crashing on the pier.

The General Directorate of Meteorology has issued a storm warning for the eastern part of the Black Sea. Winds are expected to blow from the west and northwest at a force of 6 to 8 tomorrow.

Storm warning in the Aegean Sea. Waves crashing on a beach.

In both the Northern and Southern Aegean, winds are expected to reach a force of 6 to 8. The storm is predicted to lose its strength by Tuesday night.

Due to potential disruptions in transportation, it is advised that sailors remain cautious and anchor in safe harbors if possible.

Storm warning in the Aegean Sea. Waves crashing on a rocky beach.

Meteorology has also issued warnings for heavy snowfall in 14 provinces. Sudden changes in weather conditions may occur due to the wind's effect.

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