Natural Haber Gündemi @natural_haber_gundemi

Eruption at Fuego Volcano in Guatemala

A volcano erupting in the clouds.

An eruption occurred at Fuego Volcano in Guatemala!

The Fuego Volcano, one of the most active volcanoes in the world, erupted on Sunday night. Local authorities reported that 300 families were evacuated after the eruption. Approximately 30,000 people are at risk!

A volcano erupting in the sky.

The eruption occurred about 50 kilometers southwest of Guatemala City. So far, there have been no reported casualties, but many schools have suspended classes and risky roads have been closed.

A building with a volcano in the background.

Fuego Volcano, standing at 3,763 meters, is one of the most active volcanoes in Central America. The last major eruption in 2018 resulted in 215 fatalities.

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