aktüel haber gündemi @aktuel_haber_gundemi

The Mysterious Transfer of Taşbaşı Park in Giresun

An image related to the mysterious transfer of Taşbaşı Park in Giresun.

In Giresun, the management change from AKP to CHP has brought the transfer of Taşbaşı Park into the spotlight. This park is known as one of the favorite meeting points for the people of Giresun.

The General Directorate of Foundations seized the park, labeling it as 'Cultural Heritage'. However, it was revealed that this foundation only exists in archival records.

A collage of different buildings in Giresun.

Giresun Mayor Fuat Köse described this situation as 'the seizure of the title deed' and stated that SGK liens hinder the municipality's operations.

A city next to a body of water.

The foundation is classified as a 'Mazbut Foundation', and the management of such foundations is taken over by the General Directorate of Foundations. However, the actual management of these foundations remains unclear.

The newspaper SÖZCÜ raised this issue, questioning how the park was taken away and what the future holds. It was also announced that a mosque would be built in the park.

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