Fire Disaster in Bursa! Firefighters Mobilized

Natural Haber Gündemi @natural_haber_gundemi
Fire in the woods at night.

Recent fires in Bursa were quickly controlled by firefighters.

The first fire broke out in the İnegöl district in a bushy area and spread rapidly due to the wind. The fire was extinguished after an hour of intervention, damaging 50 acres of land. The cause of the fire is still unknown.

A fire in a furniture workshop in Mahmudiye neighborhood was also extinguished within an hour by firefighters. Material damage occurred, and an investigation was launched regarding the incident.

A fire in a barn in Firoz neighborhood was similarly extinguished after being reported by locals.

These fires in Bursa were controlled before turning into a major disaster thanks to the quick and effective intervention of firefighters. Investigations into the causes of the fires are ongoing.