Güncel Haber Gündemi @guncel_haber_gundemi

Breaking Weather Update: Snow and Rain Are Coming Back!

A woman holding an umbrella and covering her face with her hands.

Weather updates indicate that snow and rain are returning!

The General Directorate of Meteorology has issued a snow and rain warning for Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir. Temperatures will be 10-15 degrees above seasonal norms. However, snow is expected to return next week.

A man in a suit standing in front of a large screen.

Temperatures will rise to 23-34 degrees over the weekend. However, snow is expected to return on Tuesday. No snow is expected in Istanbul, but temperatures will drop.

Meteorology expert Abdullah Macit stated that temperatures will significantly decrease starting Tuesday. It is expected to drop below seasonal norms on Wednesday and Thursday.

During the days when snow and rain are expected, it is emphasized that caution is necessary. Especially, precautions against icing and frost are important.

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