Güncel Haber Gündemi @guncel_haber_gundemi

University Price Hikes and Student Protests

A group of people holding signs.

Price hikes at universities continue to provoke student reactions. Eskişehir Anadolu University has drawn attention by increasing rents by 100%.

Rents have risen from 60,000 TL to 120,000 TL, forcing many shopkeepers to close their businesses. İYİ Party Odunpazarı District President Gürol Yer criticized this situation in a press statement.

Closed cafes and shops.

Students are also protesting against the increase in meal prices. At Istanbul University, meal prices have risen from 25 TL to 35 TL.

Istanbul University students protested the meal price increase.

Students state that these increases add to their economic burden and demand that the hikes be reversed.

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