Global Haber Gündemi @global_haber_gundemi

China's Seabed Mapping Efforts and Global Competition

A man in a helmet on a boat.

China is mapping seabeds to gain both scientific and military advantages. This situation is leading to increased global competition.

According to The Wall Street Journal, China's research vessels are conducting explorations far from its shores. These vessels provide valuable intelligence to Beijing and pose a threat to US allies.

A man standing next to a large white object in the ocean.

China is not backing down from launching long-term missions to map the seabed, which has drawn reactions from countries like Japan and India.

The collected data can be used in deep-sea mining and various other fields. However, the use of this data for military purposes raises concerns among US allies.

A newspaper with black text.

China is already ahead in the race to obtain critical minerals for defense industries and electric vehicles, leaving Western commercial efforts trailing behind.

In conclusion, China's seabed mapping efforts are leading to increased global competition and heightened tensions in international relations. It is important to closely monitor these developments.

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