Retirement Holiday Bonus Set at 4 Thousand Lira!

Güncel Haber Gündemi @guncel_haber_gundemi
A person holding a purse full of money.

The retirement holiday bonus has been set at 4 thousand lira! Abdullah Güler, the AK Party Group Chairman, announced the increase in retirement bonuses.

The government has decided to raise the holiday bonus for retirees from 3 thousand TL to 4 thousand TL. This increase will require a budget exceeding 30 billion TL.

Holiday bonuses will be paid before Ramadan and Kurban Bayram. Retirees are expected to receive their bonuses in March this year.

Retirement salaries and bonuses will be paid to SSK, Bağkur, and Emekli Sandığı retirees on different days. Payments will vary according to the allocation number.

With the regulations made upon President Erdoğan's instructions, 16 million retirees will benefit from the holiday bonuses.