Latest Developments on Devlet Bahçeli and Özgür Özel's Statements

aktüel haber gündemi @aktuel_haber_gundemi
A man making a statement about Devlet Bahçeli.

The health status of Devlet Bahçeli and his return to politics are eagerly awaited. Özgür Özel made striking statements regarding Bahçeli.

Özgür Özel spoke at an iftar program organized by Keçiören Municipality, responding to criticisms from President Erdoğan. He stated they would not engage in polemics due to Bahçeli's illness.

A man speaking with a microphone.

Özel expressed their prayers for Bahçeli's health and hope for his return to politics. He emphasized the need for unity and solidarity in Turkey.

Özel also mentioned the statements made by MHP regarding Bahçeli's health, indicating that they are closely monitoring the developments during this process.

Özgür Özel noted that those waiting for the CHP's power are becoming impatient, but they remain hopeful for Turkey's future.