Drought and Cold Weather: Fruit Producers in Trouble

In Turkey, winter drought and frost events are putting fruit producers in a difficult situation. Farmers are concerned that this could lead to a shortage of fruits and vegetables in the summer months.
The General Directorate of Meteorology has published Turkey's drought map for February. Like January, severe drought has been experienced in many regions in February. Farmers report that this situation is drying up their crops.

Drought and frost events are causing yield losses in products such as sunflowers and apricots, especially in the Thrace region. Farmers are worried that this could lead to a food supply gap.
In Mersin, farmers had to keep vigil to maintain the temperature of their greenhouses after frost warnings. The cold weather has also negatively affected fruit trees that are in the flowering stage.
Farmers are calling for the government to declare this region a disaster area, as they state they do not have the means to insure their crops.
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