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Corruption Allegations at Elazığ Fethi Sekin Hospital

Elazığ Fethi Sekin Hospital

Corruption allegations have surfaced at Elazığ Fethi Sekin City Hospital. Intensive care specialist Dr. Selçuk Demircan has filed a complaint against hospital administrators.

The complaint alleges that specialist physicians received irregular bonuses and did not attend work. However, Elazığ Governor Numan Hatipoğlu denied permission for an investigation.

The governor's office stated that the responsibilities of anesthesiologists in the hospital were not defined and that attendance tracking was not conducted. This situation creates a disciplinary responsibility.

Additionally, allegations of irregular extra points given to some university staff are also on the agenda. However, no investigation permission was granted for these allegations either.

Claims that Dr. Serkan Özen did not attend work and earned the highest bonus revenue in the hospital have also drawn attention. However, no investigation permission was granted in this case as well.

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